Diversity and Socio-Cultural Change

Diversity and Socio-Cultural Change
In this matter talking about diversity we know that our country is so rich in a variety of languages, sukub and customs that are spread throughout the country. This is because so much diversity we have. So for this time on this occasion we will try to review the diversity and changes in the socio-cultural environment, now for more details, just refer to the description below.

Diversity and Socio-Cultural Change
Relationship of Diversity and Socio-Cultural Change
In implementing national development, the government must consider the importance of social costs associated with losses incurred from such development. But sometimes, sometimes these social effects have not received serious attention, what usually happens is the construction of physical advice without being accompanied by the mental development of the surrounding community. As a result, it will cause a lot of shock to the surrounding community.

There are three steps in carrying out social development, including:
By understanding the objective conditions in which development is carried out.
And social development that is inclusive and universalistic in its reach.
In universalistic social development, paying attention to locality and region is fundamentally, holistic, cross-sectoral, cross-disciplinary and cross-regional.

Tolerance and Social Empathy
Tolerance and empathy can be developed through educational institutions. Which in education emphasizes plurality and multiculturalism which is our socio-cultural capital that cannot be ignored.
The main focus in education lies in understanding and trying to live in the context of differences, both individually and in groups without having to be trapped by the narrow values of cultural primordialism.
In a law it is stressed that "the government promotes national culture" which in the explanation of article 32 states the culture of the nation that is culture that arises as a whole people's effort.
Efforts to develop culture must lead to the advancement of customs, culture and unity by not rejecting the new material from the culture itself and enhancing the humanity of the Indonesian people.
According to Koentjaraningrat, regional culture or ethnicity can be used as a source and appointed as a national culture if it has two conditions, namely:

Quality / High Quality
High quality / high quality cultural elements become a national culture in the form of ideas, activities and the work of high-cut human beings.

Characteristic / specific
The elements that are specific / specific are the elements that have the most characteristics or are different from other cultures and nations.
Thus the discussion on Diversity and Socio Cultural Change hopefully with this review can add insight and knowledge of you all, thank you very much for your visit

Diversity Based on Race and its Descriptions
 This time we will try to review the diversity of "social differentiation" in Indonesia based on differences in race elements. Naturally, every human being must have different physical conditions, the difference is seen in differences in skin color, head shape, facial index, hair color and other physical differences.

Diversity Based on Race and its Descriptions
Definition of Diversity Based on Race
Race is a group of humans with certain body characteristics in a large frequency. Race is something that is reviewed biologically, not socio-culturally. So the notion of race involves the characteristics of a person, which is, in general, the classification of races is based on biological or physical characteristics.
In general, people in this world are divided into three main racial groups. The three main racial groups are the Mongoloid, Caucasoid and Negroid races. Broadly speaking, physical signs that are used to classify races include body shape, head shape, face shape, lower jaw bone shape, nose shape, skin color, eye color, hair color and hair shape.
In this case, of the three racial groups above, there are two groups that live in contact, influence and interact with one another in the life of society, nation and state, namely Mongoloid Malay and Papua Melanesoid.
Kelompok ras Melayu Mongoloid umumnya hidup di Pulau Sumatera, Pulau Jawa dan Madura, Pulau Sulawesi dan kepulauan di sekitarnya. Adapun kelompok ras Papua Melanesoid umumnya hidup di Pulau Irian “Papua” dan pulau-pulau sekitarnya.
And meanwhile, the Negrito and Weddoid racial groups are our brothers who still live in isolation in the interior. They still find it difficult to blend in with their brothers and sisters from other racial / ethnic groups who have experienced progress and integrated with each other first.
In addition to the four racial groups, Indonesian society is enriched with other racial groups namely Chinese descent "including Mongoloid race" and groups of Arab, Pakistani, Indian descent and so on "including Caucasoid races". They belong to a group of immigrant races outside the original or indigenous occupation race, as discussed above race is a biological conception based on physical features and not a cultural conception.
Thus, the notion of race does not run parallel with the notion of culture, in other words, racial differences do not determine differences in language, customs, let alone religion. For example, the Malay Mengoloid racial group as found in the Balinese and Javanese, both of which have different languages, customs and religions, even though they belong to the same race. The languages used by tribes in Indonesia include one family, the Austronesian language family.
In the social context of society, differences in physical properties between one group and another do not provide an understanding of superiority, which means that no group based on certain physical characteristics is considered to be more special or superior compared to other groups. For the people of Indonesia do not adhere to racialism, which is an understanding that certain racial groups have higher status compared to other racial groups.